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Pygmy Goats


Pygmy Goat on Tyre & Pygmy Goat on Log

Cast in bronze resin. Limited Edition of 25 each


Pygmy Goat on Tyre 66cm Long x 91cm High x 28cm Wide

Pygmy Goat on Log 66cm Long x 71cm High x 38cm Wide


Price £1945 each

or £3550 when sold as a pair


Pygmy Goat without Tyre

66cm Long x 47 cm High x 21cm wide



Price for all three sold as a set £4975


Pygmy Goat on tyre is supplied with a detachable metal base which is designed to be buried under ground.

Pygmy Goat without its log is supplied with detachable threaded rods for securing it in the



To Purchase


This sculpture is made to order. Please contact us if  you have any queries or would like to place an order.


EMAIL us below or Tel: 01840 213468

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